Welcome to the Florestral Expansion Forum. We are here to provide you with all the information you need, to open a discussion, and to answer questions so that you can learn and understand more about the Florestral Expansion Project. Our goal is to create a thriving community on this forum, to share information and love. Please introduce yourself here so we can start to get to know each other!
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Edited: Oct 08, 2020
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Hi I am Everett Nelson. I have a computer engineering background, and am drawn to actually do something that helps people and furthers my own healing.
I am amazed by the progress, hard work, and dedication that both Vismay and Nichole put into Florestral. I am opening myself to the possibility of sharing my time and energy with the community.
Hello Dear Ones,
i'm Leonidas, 39, from Austria. I first arrived in Florestral as a guest in December 2014. I instantly fell in love with the land and the people there, many of which became dear friends, and i returned many times after.
My time there, the experiences i had, the friends i made and people i met, and last but definitely not least: the sacred medicine of the forest – all this really changed the trajectory of my personality. I went from introverted and isolated to open and interconnected. I developed new skills. I changed.
Eternal gratitude for that shift!
In 2015 i attempted to move to Florestral. I made a downpayment for a small lot, but i had health issues in regard to the humidity and at that time also became disillusioned about many aspects of community living. I decided it was not for me at that time.
After having lived in Costa Rica for two and a half years, in 2017 i made the (rather difficult) decision to return to Austria. Even before my full return, i began organizing works here for a variety of facilitators, including Vismay & Nicole, and we had some really great times over here, including an amazing vision quest.
I returned to Florestral on occasion, to visit, to meet and spend time with the people and the land. But my home became Austria (again), this time more stable though than ever since i was 18. I literally haven't lived in the same spot for more than a year and a half since, until now. In my current house i have lived for more than three years. That's a real record for Leonidas. The call to return to Austria was mostly due to a lack of stability i had in Costa RIca. And i gave myself just that by returning here.
I had no intentions to leave again. It's not an easy thought for me. But current developments in the political landscape, the outlook of where Europe is heading, the tirelessly corrupt heads of government and the economic/political agendas driven here, all give me good reason to reconsider. As such, i am currently considering to return to Costa Rica and rebuild my life there. Luckily my job is remote, so that is not a primary issue.
But if i do return to Costa Rica, i do not want it to be an escape route. Especially not if i move into a community situation, like Florestral is. I feel now more than ever, that the old ways of living are moving towards becoming obsolete. Living on your own. Doing everything on your own. We are social beings and i believe – in most cases – best of flocking together in tribes. Humankind seems to have entered a critical stage in its development. We seem to be at a forking in our path. A lot will depend on how we collectively deal with the challenges of this age. Becoming self-sustainable in a communal setting is probably a really good thing to do now.
I am not fully decided at this point. I would have to leave behind so much. My friends, my beloved cats, our medicine circle that i founded and nurtured for multiple years. That's already a lot for me, and it sure isn't all.
My decision will depend on many factors. I hope to find more clarity around my decision in the next few weeks and months to come. And i hope that by engaging with more details around the Florestral Expansion, i will find that clarity more easily.
Vismay pointed me to this forum to get started. So here i am. Some of you know me already.
Much Love to All of You! –– Leonidas ––
Hello to Everybody, who has found that community rooted to the health of mother earth, devoted to the richness of pachamama. The sacred brew, medicine of the forest has changed my life and the music of Sound Of Light is touching my heart ever and ever.
Therefore I was so pleased when I found the track Himalya in spotify, last year, staying in Germany, during the difficult times. https://open.spotify.com/track/3SMQgfWiXQBhE58AoQvAG0?si=e87b0f39821646f0
Thank you Vismay and Nicole for the retreats in 2018 and 2019. My thoughts are with you and the community quite often. The future will bring me back to you in 2022.
Blessings and beams of light transferring the nectar of compassion and insight for all here noticing that post. Jorge.
P.S. the journey with the sacred brew began 2016 in Costa Rica and one year later found the Solcircle and joined the Lotus Heart retreat with the first ceremony night on the 5th of May 2017. It had the same green hummingbird as a symbol in the retreat description on solcircles homepage as Sound Of Light used for the song Himalaya in spotify... Let's see, when will add some details to my person, maybee soon.
Learning from the forest, letting it wash me, of all.
Practical details,I'm a young chap ready to step into my potential and ask for help of others to be the revision the world needs.
Was drawn to florestral 2 weeks ago, very obvious to me i need to be there....
Infinite love and compassion for all beings.
Infinite gratitude for all beings who have helped create the possibility for us all to heal and connect in such deep ways.
I surrender into forest mother's deepest desire,
Aho let the scared flow
Waniwa chielo
My name is Sat Kirtin. My partner, Hari Ram, and I are currently residing on the shores of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Though we do love it here and we were looking at properties in different locations around the lake, we have not found that "right" place that we feel completely aligned with. We left North America together over 3 years ago and we are seeking that land and community where we feel most at home.
Hari Ram has been exploring, visiting and even living in intentional communities for most or his adult life. And then most recently he lived in a chalet in the wilderness of Quebec for 9 years.
I myself have only lived in the US prior to 3 years ago, doing the typical 8-5 lifestyle until I had a mental breakdown (of "breakthrough" as I call it) at which point I knew I had to radically change my life. At that point Kundalini Yoga, sound healing and other therapies came into my life and not only helped me heal but led me in a new direction that brought me here with the love of my life.
Hari Ram and I are both kundalini yoga and tantra instructors, we lead kirtan/sound circles together, write our own compositions for mantras and perform sound healings and four hand massages with sound healing siatsu, reflexology, and aromatherapy.
We are thrilled to have connected with you all and are excited to learn more about this expansion project as we are now considering the possibilities of a move to Costa Rica to live more harmoniously with Pachamama in community!
To share space, songs and stories with soul family, explore and learn from the wisdom of the forests, grow our own food, bath in waterfalls and live more in-tune with natural rythms.
Hello. My name is Anna, originally from germany I am now in costa rica with my mum and 6 year old dauther. We are looking for a peacefull place kind place that we can call our home. I would love to learn a little about life for children at florestral. Are there so far a few families with children? Is there a possibility of schooling nearby? Preferably an alternative school would be wonderfull. Sry first time in a forum so a little unsure if I'm posting my question in the right spot actually.
Thank you
Hello Everyone! My name is Trent Simpson, my wife Anastasia and 11 month son Sasha. We are very excited to be a part of this incredible community and wonderful opportunity to live in this world in a different way.
We live in San Francisco, California and visited Florestral for the Solstice Feitio in 2019, which has been quite life changing. We fell in love with the land, the people, the Universe and the infinite possibilities that this kind of community can bring!
We often struggle to find the balance between our current lifestyle and what a different lifestyle such as one in this community could be like, so no better time than the present to dive right in!
This year has been challenging for everyone, but eye opening on many levels to say the least and has given us time to reflect on what really matters, and what kind of world we want to raise our children in which is one of community, love and Universal knowledge.
We are very interested in learning how to build sustainably and beautifully using local resources universal, geometric and ancient techniques combined with new technology for a pleasing and wonderful dwelling! Personally, I also have ambitions to start a brand (or brands) that revolve around living a more holistic lifestyle and I think this community can help bring light to that, both locally within the community and back home too.
We look forward to meeting you, and building this together!
With Love,
Trent, Anastasia and Sasha
As a 1st presentation, a gift, a support and perhaps an inspiration I felt like sharing with you a few poems written in the 1st decade of the 3rd millennium.
Each heart beat connects me to Mother Earth’s heartbeat,
Each step connects me to her multilayered body,
Each time I offer her my joy, love and gratitude,
She rejoices and nurtures me back.
Each breath connects me to the Winds,
To the Air, to Spirit and to the Universe.
Each thought is connected to others’ thoughts,
Each feeling is connected to others’ feelings,
Each life form is connected to all life forms,
On Earth as in the whole Universe.
Through the connecting web of life
Nothing exists in isolation.
Each In Celtic shamanism Each is the totemic horse representing : The Goddess, The Land, Journey and life’s cycles.
i am no one and
i am everyone,
i am nothing and
i am everything…
Joy of The Heavens
and pain of the Earth.
The light and shadow,
the deep and hollow,
moving, vibrant, bright;
soft, soothing and quiet.
A hope and a dream
beyond what it seems…
Sisters of all faith, color, age
meet up, gather up and exchange
your stories, wisdom or outrage…
We can create and inspire change !
We are the nourishers and carers,
loving and protective life givers.
It is time to reclaim your power,
to blossom like a scented flower
offering your strength, skills, light and gifts
to the whole world screaming for the shifts !
i am light, i am love, i am life
i am the tool of my own destiny
i am the instrument of The Divine
expressing its limitless creativity.
i am the Consciousness aware of its existence
i am the unconditional love which unites and nurtures all
i am the life force striving to expand and fulfill its potentials
i am the light embracing its shadow
on its journey to shine upon the Universe.
i am
May the light come out of darkness
May the truth uncover the lies
May wisdom shatter ignorance !
May hopes summon and tame fears
May harmony subdue conflicts
May the essential be valued!
May love and gratitude spread out
May freedom and respect inspire
May we restore balance on Earth !
May real actions replace mere words
May beauty unveil mystery
May we give life to our best dream !
Like flowers humans were born to blossom,
to illuminate the world with many colors,
and perfume it with many enchanting scents.
Like birds humans were born to learn to fly,
to open their wings and freely rise,
to dance with Spirit and sing the song of life.
Like stones humans were born to collect energy,
nurture and be nurtured by Mother Earth,
to heal and remember how to live in harmony.
Like Water humans were born to flow,
to purify, to intuit, to feel and extend our senses,
and to give life to life with all its possibilities.
Like Fire humans were born to transmute,
to kindle and love the fire within and without
allowing our life force and spontaneity to spark.
Like the Earth humans were born to connect,
to manifest and embody life, to transform and grow
in balance with the whole, in beauty and in reciprocity.
Like the Air humans were born to change form
and move forward joining the Universe's breath,
to express Spirit: being light, creative and free.
Like the Ether humans were born to exalt,
to transport, to transcend and to radiate
the magnificence of greatness and wholeness.
Like Spirit humans were born to love unconditionally,
to shine, to expand and co-create in oneness
celebrating life and its joy in a tender embrace.
Let’s be free,
free to feel what we feel,
to say what we think and feel,
to question what we don’t
or accept !
Let’s be free to ask for and
manifest what we deeply need !
Free to share the best we have,
to give and receive...
Let’s be free to love
ourselves and others.
Free to use and expand
our potential and qualities,
our light and our gifts !
Let’s be free to be
who we were born to be !
Let’s be free to dream
a new reality into being !
Let’s be free to surrender
to the wonders of life and life itself !
Let’s be free
Love and light is the essence, the medium
and the aim of life.
In the formless darkness of the Void,
i received infinite love and praise.
i attuned with the eternal, all encompassing,
peace and harmony, joy and boundlessness of being
an expression of, and inside the Original Source
of all Creation, Great Mystery, the Void of all that is.
From the Void i came, to the Void I’ll return, Home.
The Void is full of all potentialities,
of all we are heading towards on our spiritual journey.
All was filled with unconditional love and compassion,
beauty and harmony, balance and limitless potency:
a place beyond form, beyond time and beyond words.
All aspects of Creation that have existed, exist
and will exist, are in the Void without form.
Finding The Void within is being full,
is being whole, is being one with all.
The Void
At times,
I am a joyful and ingenuous,
a spontaneous, wild and free child.
At times, I am a loving, compassionate
and caring mother, a nourisher and
a fearless protectress.
At times,
I am a wise and sharp,
strong and powerful old crone.
What about you ?
Ninna Gay, Shifts : Beyond the Visible, 2010
For many years in my personal quest for the highest meaning I can give to my life, the best use of my skills as well as what I learnt on the spiritual and shamanic path (over 20 years), I had the vision of sharing with like minded brothers and sisters / kindred spirits, in order to co-create a place of healing, creativity, evolution, learning, sharing and joy in a natural, well looked after and loved environment. Over the last 20 years I was drawn to and had recurrent visions of living in the forest. I have dearly loved trees and forests all my life.
Visiting, participating in ceremonies and living in Florestral made me feel I had found the people and the place I was looking for.
On a practical note I would be happy to create : - different workshops (dance, creativity, shamanism often synchronized with astral and Mother Earth life’s cycles), - a medicinal plant garden, - as well as offer energy medicine’s individual sessions. I am also keen on organizing/help to organize women gatherings, as I enjoyed and benefited so much joining for 5 years two different women circles & teachings.
In my initial vision I also imagined punctually inviting other people I know, love and appreciate the work to co-create workshops with them, or just facilitate theirs (yoga, chi gong, meditation, shamanism etc.).
So Ideally would like to build one or 2 small houses (1 for me, one to rent for incomes, guests, friends or family visiting), as well as a construction for workshops, meditation and healing sessions.
I speak French, English and Spanish, so can also support the community for interpreter/translation needs. I did some in Ireland as well as teaching French for 20 years as a foreign language. To earn my bread I have been guiding for 25 years mainly in Ireland (where I lived 20 years) as well as Northern Ireland punctually, lately also in Scotland, Wales and England.
I would also be happy to participate in and help with ceremonies, singing, preparation & activities for retreats as well as gardening in Florestral (have learnt some of the principles of permaculture and have always been very drawn to ecology, plants & natural medicines).
I also like manual work, do odd jobs, and know how to plaster and paint.
As a Photographer, did several exhibitions, a peace and reconciliation photojournalistic project in Northern Ireland called Journey to Wholeness (1998), and a book called Shifts: Beyond the Visible (2010) where I share photographs of the invisible world I sometimes happened to catch, with some of the things I learnt on my personal healing journey, spiritual quest & shamanic path learning.
Creativity, music, dance, arts and nature are an essential source of inspiration, joy, beauty and enthusiasm in my life. Love and warm hearted blessings to all!
Hello Famillia , I'm Vismay and really happy to be here.. :)
I guess I am somehow known in this forum.. still some relevant personal background..
I started to understand that something is very wrong with the way we live at an early age. Living in an apartment in a city and seeing so many unhappy people and wrong doings of the system , I left that system altogether at a relatively young age. Since then I have been looking for the right place , the nature and community that will allow me to grow on all levels.. I have been in a few for longer and shorter periods and in the end was lead by the spirit and the medicine to establish Florestral , the land of the Spirit.. It is quite a journey as you can see and it is unfolding like a miracle. It is so amazing to see this being growing , there is actually this spirit of Florestral and the nature here speaks so clear ..
So I am so happy that this is happening . I love people and sharing music and good times as well as work and challenges with like hearted people and I feel that in the times to come , this will become even a greater priority so here I am , motivated to serve this project , ready to answer or discuss anything related and inspired by our collective motivation !
For the Earth..
It is lovely to be able to share and learn on this forum, about the expansion project and all of you! Until a time we can meet live!
Love and warm hearted blessings to all!
Dear fellow "expansionists",
My name is Adam. I am 30 years old, single, living in Wroclaw, Poland. Since I was little I dreamt about a wooden house in a jungle and I am thrilled that this dream may ultimately come true sooner or later.
I don't want to live in a city anymore because I no longer consider such environment a healthy option. A concrete jungle with omnipresent noise of vehicles, air pollution and dust are not so pleasant surroundings to be around. Also the growing surveillance and impudence of goverments to make us more dependent from themselves, limiting our privacy and rights, each year wanting to take more from what's ours, don't seem like the right way.
But there is a light in that tunnel and it comes with an alternative that has gathered us here.
My story with Florestral started in January 2018, when after travelling around Costa Rica, I arrived to the final point of my journey which She has been. I read about the medicine few years back and was very curious about it. I came upon Florestral online, sent a request for a retreat and was accepted. I will never forget my first ceremony as it has been so far the most powerful one and a turning point in my life.
As for many of us, it started with a puke, but a very pleasant one if not to say even enjoyable. On that full moon night I was able to connect myself with the spirits of the forests, I felt like I was no longer just a single being but integral part of greater creation. I stared at colours and fractals appearing over the sacred fire and candles which led a path towards the temple. I felt united with every creature on the Earth and beyond, connected to the celestial universe. Even simple walking bare foot on the ground felt like a burst of joy. This feeling of connection, gave me confidence to follow my inner voice and instincts wherever they lead me. And it seems that now they are calling me back to the forest.
I hope that one day I will finally wake up on my premises by the howling of monkeys and a sunshine of the tropical sun warming the face. I will gather and eat fruits and vegetables that we are goint to plant, drink clear water from the creeks, collect energy from the sun and eggs from hens. Live self-sustainably as much as possible. Take care of chacrunitas, play with the community and animals, explore and discover variety of fauna and flora over the land. Drink the medicine and visit the other realm.
What I enjoy in general:
- swimming, therefore I love the fact that there are so many brooks on this land and that the sea is not so far. I find it particulary relaxing to be under the water surface.
- learning languages, so studying Spanish will be a great adventure.
- taking care of plants, I can't wait to have a tropical garden.
- travelling, let's explore the land and the country!
- photography, to capture moments of beauty
- mycology, I have a know-how about growing magic mushrooms from a spore to fruits
- reading books, but unfortunately the more I work the less time I find for it these days, but ultimately this no longer shall be the problem.
My profession is IT security, so it is not really a thing that would help much with what we are planning here. Nevertheless I have always been good in maths and physics, so in case if we ever do any local schoolteaching, I could support with these.
I think it may be relevant to mention our horizons. As despite heading towards same direction and sharing similar visions, we are all at different stages of our lives. Myself I believe I should be able to collect enough to afford a lot around Q2/Q3 2021. If the communal intent and capabilities are to start the phase 1 earlier than that, then I might not be able to participate earlier than at the 2nd phase. Also I will not be able to relocate straight away. I would need another 2-3 years to gather more funds for construction and living. But of course I plan to visit each year at least once, hopefully more.
That's it from me for now. It took me a while to come up with it, sorry for my tardiness.
I encourage everyone else who is stilling struggling to write something to not think twice and say hi :)
All the best,
Adam Balcerzak
(whatsapp: +48 73three 50four 42seven)
Hello, I'm Kamila Originally from Poland but have been living in Toronto, Canada for over 25 years. I'm 38, single, no children.
I have been drinking the medicine since 2015, my first time ever was at Florestral.
Life has been pretty good in Canada financially fairly stable, however as much as this has satisfied one aspect of my life, living here lacks in so many others.
The cost of living here is very high and pressure to always be working to get ahead, this leaves no time to connect with a community and develop deep meaningful relations. The winters are long and harsh here and spending time out in nature is minimal.
Finally, the current state of this world has got me evaluation everything and brought me to the decision to make a slow and permanent transition to Costa Rica.
I dream of a simple, balanced more enjoyable quality of life in my near future.
I have a small Pet Grooming business that I plan to sell when the time comes, in the mean time in the next 3/4 years I will be preparing myself as best as possible financially, emotionally and psychologically for the transition.
Off course I plan to be at Florestral as much as possible in the upcoming years and help out any way I can. I love to work in the garden, getting my hands dirty in the soil brings me much joy.
My first profession was in the culinary arts so I love to be in the kitchen creating healthy dishes.
I have also been a student of Kundalini Yoga for a some years now and I hope to be doing my teachers training in the up coming years as well.
I dream of one day leading our community in a morning practice and meditation.
Namaste ✌
Facebook : Kamila Pietraszek Kamilasgroomroom@gmail.com Whatsapp: 1-416-807-5179
Hello everyone, I'm Oran.
I've been drinking and working with SOL Circle since around 2008 and supporting the Florestral community since its conception.
I am a personal life guid and owner of a small commercial business in Costa Rica.
Israeli, 42, single, Living in Costa Rica very close to Florestral.
I'm available on FB as Oran Gal
and whatsapp: +(506) 8303-8883
Hello everyone! I am Stephanie, my partner Niko and I just had a beautiful baby daughter in April and with the current state of the world we have felt the push to provide her a different life than what is currently possible in the states. We currently live in Western Colorado in a tiny home.
I am a mother to three daughters. I have an eight year old, Aakira; a five year old, Violet; and a six month old Quil! I want to rewild and raise my daughters in a community setting that teaches them how to interact and grow with nature.
I am thirty two years old. I have lived in Western Colorado for the majority of my life. I seek to reconnect with nature and also experience la medicina. I have many interests that I feel would grow in a community setting.
My main love is cooking. I love cooking and creating and sharing food. I full heartedly believe that food is a pathway to true healing and the soul. I have also dreamt of helping others w herbal remedies.
I have interests in learning a fuller understanding of growing and maintaining herb and vegetable gardens.
My main "real world" skills come in the form of a Bachelor's of Business Administration. I feel that some of these skill sets could cross over to establishing community structure communicatively aligning intentions.
Personality-wise, I love connecting with others and having deep conversations. Being within the matrix here, doesn't serve my soul at all. I think there could be many beautiful, trusting, and powerful relationships that stem and grow from the expansion at Florestral.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to connect further. As I said in the zoom meeting, I'd love to get to know more of the group on an interpersonal level.
Steph Litsheim on Facebook
@evokepossibility on Instagram
9708446190, on WhatsApp