The Florestral & Expansion Projects are unfolding slowly yet steadily over time.
Here is the time line of events up to now and our provision for the future :
Up to now:
2008- Florestral idea is born
2009- Arrival to Costa Rica
2011- Found Florestral Land
2013- Bought the land and started developing
2016- All available lots got sold
2017- First communication about the expansion project with friends of the circle & land owners
2018- Land is released from a legal process and available for sale
2019- Negotiations with owners and assembly of community members
2020- Arrival to agreement with owner and collecting the funds for the first part of the land
This is where we are now and almost needless to say that without the global crisis , we would have been much further into the project, yet , we are very close and now also much more aware of the necessity of Florestral as our Sanctuary.
Future timeline:
January 2021- Until this month we are looking to secure the whole amount to buy the first part & sign the contract
February 2021- Clearing the land , first development and infrastructure, Choosing lots
March 2021- Possible to start construction
April 2021- Basic infrastructure for new neighborhood done ( road, water, power)
We will continue to sell lots in this time and looking to secure the funds for the second part within 9-12 months.
There are more plans that can fit in a timeline , this place is where we discuss them together !
The approximate timeline for the project is contained here.
Just in time for the auspicious solstice on June 21st, 2019, we had the first development areas surveyed. After negotiations with the owner
We will prepare all infrastructure and start the village center in the coming months and for some of it wait until the end of the rainy season to install. House and personal lot development will be starting early next year if all flows well. As you can see plans are moving along very swiftly and it’s important that you contact us soon if you are interested. We wish to buy the land as a ‘cash deal’ so we need to collect the majority of the funds to make it all happen. Therefore we will provide a discount to those who can pay the whole sum in advance. All funds will be transferred through a legal escrow service and with the supervision of a lawyer. Each member will receive a legal contract stating their rights and responsibilities. Later on in 2020 we will continue to develop in conjunction with the new expanded community!
Is there a plan for footpath development?
Would like to see this updated through 2024.